Annual Report 2023/24 Produced
Cliffe and Cliffe Woods Parish Council
Each year the Parish Council have to file an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) form. This is a high level report of the governance and financial status of the PC. The activities of the PC are reviewed by a duly appointed Internal Auditor who also submits his summary to the external auditor (Mazars LLP) and produces a more detailed report the the PC,
The relevant pages of the AGAR are filed in this website and displayed on all 6 Parish noticeboards. The background papers are available for inspection, on appointment by email to Alex Jack, Proper Officer This runs from Monday 24th June to Friday 2nd August. The final external auditors comments will be displayed in a similar way when received (likely September/October 2024).
The current AGAR as submitted (and historic versions) are available on this website.
Clerk C&CWPC
Find Cliffe and Cliffe Woods Parish Council
17 Graveney Close, Cliffe Woods, Cliffe Woods, Rochester, Kent, ME3 8LB