Esquire Homes - Town Rd, Cliffe Woods
The full planning application was passed by Medway Council and some other applications are expected to flush out the very fine detail. There has also been an increase to 94 homes (effectively replacing two detached properties by two semi-detached).
Issues followed up with the developer (and/or Medway Council Planning where appropriate):
Construction Workers parking in Cliffe Woods Recreation Ground Car Park - now parking on site (especially now that the weather has been dry).
Wheel washing was requested because of mud on the B2000 - now facilities being provided and tarmac road access provided
They are suggesting children's play equipment on-site and we are asking for it to be fenced/secure so that children do not wander into the roads (including B2000)
The developer is providing a Debrillator during construction and then will remain onsite and be maintained by a site management company.
The developer is liaising with the adjacent site (includes the woods and field to the north) to provide access from within the new site and long term maintenance for the woods and reptiles.
MC/18/2961 | Construction of ninety-two residential dwellings comprising of thirteen 2-bedroomed, thirty-seven 3-bedroomed, thirty-one 4-bedroomed, three 5-bedroomed dwellings and four 1-bedroomed and four 2-bedroomed appartments (Class C3), provision of 737sqm of employment floorspace to include offices and a nursery (Classes B1 and D1) with associated access, parking, public open spaces (play area), landscaping, new vehicular/pedestrian access from Town Road, provision of a pedestrian crossing, associated drainage, pumping station and earthworks | Land West Of Town Road Cliffe Woods Rochester Medway ME3 8JX
Waiting for this to go to the Planning Committee for a decision (March/April?) THIS WAS APPROVED
Developers have approached Cliffe and Cliffe Woods Parish and Medway Council about their intention to submit a planning application to develop the land opposite the Cliffe Woods Recreation Ground on the other side of Town Road. The site extends back to where Gladman's propose a development of 223 homes - currently the subject of a planning appeal against Medway's refusal of permission of an outline application. If the Gladman's site is granted permission, then that may change the principle that has been followed by both Parish and Medway Councils in objecting to development on that side of the road.
It is proposed to build around 94 houses and a small court of two blocks for employment purposes. The parish council object to development, in principle, on that side of Town Road and the impact on local community facilities. But if developed, it would need improved access across the road for pedestrians and a safe vehicle access. Any affordable/low cost housing should be for local residents first and there should be provision of bungalows so that some residents can downsize from larger properties in the village. REDROW have been engaged as the builder.
We understand that the developers are proposing a Full Planning Application soon and are held a consultation/exhibition event on Monday the 9th July 2018 from 4pm to 8pm in the Community Centre, Cliffe Woods before submitting their application. Plans can change during public consultation and before submitting to Medway Council Planning and there will be a lot more information available then.
This was granted planning approval and preparatory works will start on site in July 2019, followed by the main development.